A man is the faculty of reporting, and the universe is the possibility of being reported - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, May 30, 2008

Experience of Failure

In my last post, I missed on thanking one of the important person in my life, my boss - Ravi. Thank you so much Ravi for your trust, support and love.

We had some interesting and motivating interactions in this week. He inspired us to assume a bigger leadership role in the company. He gave few important tips on hiring and interviewing people. One of the tip was to hire people with Experience of Failure. As managers we are more concerned about escaping the consequences of failures rather than leading our teams to success. We tend to be too self protective to seize a business opportunity. I think, one's track record of dealing with failures is a key indicator of his performance in an unpredictable future, his character and value system. Satya mentioned the same in his SMS today :

"Sometimes....Hurt is Needed to Make u Grow, Failure's Needed to Make u know, Loss is Needed to Make u Gain, coz sum lessons r best when learnt thru pain"

One of the thing I intend to learn is shorten the decision making process because it is better to make a decision and fail than to habitually wait until I am absolutely sure. I go to office to work and survive. Maybe I can narrow my perspective to survival. My job is to run the company and thats what I need to think about. I can focus on the day and organize moment by moment. I can become less heroic, less philosophical and just be in action with focus on the present.

On a different note, I am reading how Israeli executives, managers and business owners survive in crisis. How they run business under the shadow of terrorism.

From the book - There are more Israeli companies listed on the NASDAQ than from any other country. Israelis have very short memory - They bounce back from every situation and they plan for the worst. They are ready to alter the most thought through business plans very next day. Almost all the employees have a military background and each male employee serve the country for 1 month in a year for 30 years of their life. Investors and shareholders of Israeli companies does not believe in the long-term business plans, they believe in the leader, the manager - the person and his experience of running the business under crisis.

I am hooked on to this book...maybe I am identifying a lot of Israeli attitude with myself....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thank you so much

Satya, Liz and Ranjan - Thank you so much for your support, love and commitment.

I am made up of many people....Parents, Anju, Pari, Gayatri, Praveen, Kiran, Manisha, Tarachandji, Alok, Harish, Prakash, Rajesh, Sarvesh, Repan, Varun, Sanjay, Vivek, Abdul, Adarsh, Ashish, Niwas, Gaurav, Kapil, Akhilesh, Anand, Asad, Vinod, Mahendiran, Sunil, Brijesh, Naresh, Aamir, Manish, Amit...so on..
I love you ALL.....Thank you for being in my life and really bearing with me...

Although I am in the driving seat here but my role is to journey with you and I look forward to help from authentic, real and powerful people like you.

I am committed to trust and generosity in all my relationships. I would say that my relationships with all of you are my finest, most credible expression of who I am and what I have to offer. Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation.

Finally this is a demand on you - stay connected, committed & invested in my advancement, growth and transformation.

I am not a "self made" man. I am made up of all of you.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A new start

"I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am
consciousness. I am the Now. I Am." - Eckhart Tolle:Stillness Speaks

I have been in a constant journey to identify myself with stronger powerful identities.
Few days back I completed Landmark "Curriculum for Living" and "Communication Curriculum" and I started carrying a mental image of myself as someone who has transcended all interest in material possessions and is therefore superior, is more spiritual than others. I am now present to the fact that it was my ego who had found an identity and it did not want to let go. I have realized that the ultimate truth of who I am is not in I am this or I am that, but I am.

I am making a new start here. I intend to share thoughts, experiences, views, attitude, commitments, emotions and contents of my life. I don't intent to be perfect in my practice. As in my life I will make mistakes here as well but I am committed to increase my repertoire of ways to recover from my mistakes.