A man is the faculty of reporting, and the universe is the possibility of being reported - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Visit to local mall...

We went to local SRS mall for groceries on Sunday. As a prelude to the festival of Diwali, the mall was wearing a festive look with a variety of stalls, food, activities and entertainments.
Prachee, my daughter participated in the first dance event of the evening and won the prize - "The Jungle Book" (set of 8 DVD's). She went on to win the second dance event with a repeat performance and received a cash voucher. It was a great feeling to see her perform on stage and witness her ability to act on the spot without any preparation.

Prachee is 5 years old and all these years, I have been doing what any parent would do for their kids. But it was one of those moments when I got inspired by what she did, I felt that somewhere between the continuing demands & responsibilities of work and daily life I have lost the sense of being spontaneous and adventurous. I became aware of how I have been controlling, regulating and directing my life to achieve high level of success and how much of purposeful planing and persistence is really needed before taking action.
I need to question and discover that for myself.

1 comment:

रंजन (Ranjan) said...

Dear Ramesh,

i nice self reflection..

"controlling, regulating and directing my life to achieve high level of success..."

this is what we all do.... as we all want to be successful, we have a (mis)sence that we own/know the key of success... of atlease the ways of faliur...do we really(?)

by doing this we loose courage of experimenting and exploring new possibilities within...

and what prachi shows all of us.... that i have nothing to loose... but every little possibility to win

she shows that.. i don;t care wt people will think.. i know i the best..

she shows that participaton is more important than outcome..

and that why we say (we all know but out memory is so poor..) "child is father of man"

enjoy our journey (with in) with prachee..

best wishes..

by the way what happend to our monthly meeting ?
